If you do not have a username for the Caribbean Health E-Learning Portal you can self-enroll to participate in the QI Hub - Community Forum. 

To self-enroll and gain access to the discussion forums, please follow the steps below.

1. Go to http://caribbean.ghelearning.org 

2. Click the red Log In button located in the upper right-hand corner of your screen.

3. Click the Create New Account button at the bottom of the screen.

screenshot of the login page

4. Enter your enrollment details.

Important! If you already have an account, please login using your existing account.

screenshot of the self-registration page

5. Click the Create my new account button once you have finished filling in your registration details. 

screenshot of the self-registration confirmation page.

6. Access the email account you used to register and confirm your self-registration.

7. Log into the QI Hub with the username and password you created on the self-registration page.